Interest rates are at record lows, so whether you are a foreign buyer or US resident, it is a great time to finance a real estate purchase in Manhattan or Miami.

September 2019 Update:

Mortgage interest rates have plummeted since the same time last year and are resting near record lows. On Friday, September 6, 2019, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate clocked in at 3.48%, while the stock market was close to a record high of over 26,900. In comparison, over the last 30 years, the same mortgage rate has averaged about 6.25%. In the last 10 years, the only 2 times that the rate has been lower was in September 2016, with a low of 3.42%, and in November 2012, with a low of 3.32%.


What is the current state of the US economy?

  • The US is not in a recession.
  • The economy grew at 2% in the second quarter.
  • Unemployment is near 50-year lows at 3.7%.
  • Wages and personal consumption have accelerated.

That’s all great news and speaks to the current strength of the US economy. While the prolonging of the current trade war is likely to impact US exporters and consumers through higher prices, Trump's reelection prospects are inextricably tied to the stock market and he will do everything possible to keep the Dow as close to 26,000 as possible. Accordingly, any weakness because of the trade dispute between the US and China will be solved in the near term. 


Why are mortgage rates so low?

  • A US government bond rally fueled by concerns about the global economy has contributed to artificially low long-term US mortgage rates. 
  • European and Japanese Central Banks have been trying to fight their economic woes with zero or negative interest rates, causing investors to search for yield elsewhere. Currently, Europe's key interest rate is -0.4%, a repellant for many! 
  • According to Deutsche Bank, 25% (or $15 trillion) of government bonds worldwide now trade at negative yields. This is a ridiculous number and has nearly tripled since October 2018, only one year ago. 
  • US government bonds, in contrast, offer positive returns making them very attractive to foreign investors.
  • An increase in foreign demand for US government bonds has pushed down the 10-year treasury rate, and ultimately the 30-year fixed mortgage rate, which has a symbiotic relationship with the 10-year treasury rate.
  • At the beginning of August, rumors that the ECB would embark on a shock-and-awe stimulus on top of the already negative interest rates, liquidity facilities, and QE that they implemented, have pushed even more investors into the arms of the US, as they ramped up government bond purchases, ultimately further lowering our long term mortgage rates.  


We've seen this play out before:

  • Above, we noted that the last trough in rates was in 2016, which was caused by investors fleeing European investments after Great Britain voted to leave the European Union.


What does this all mean? 

Halihazırda tarihi düşük seviyelere yakın olduğumuz için oranların daha da düşmesi pek olası değil. Bu nedenle, müşterilerimize çok geç olmadan bu yapay olarak düşük mortgage oranı olgusundan yararlanmak için şimdi yeniden finanse etmelerini veya yeni mülk alımlarını finanse etmelerini öneriyoruz. 

Note: The chart below depicts the 30-year fixed mortgage rate for US persons or permanent residents. Foreign buyers who obtain mortgages from a retail bank usually pay an additional 1/2 point.

US Mortgage Rates Near Historic Low


About the Foreign National Mortgage Program 

Down Payment: 30% Foreign Buyers & 20% Domestic Buyers

30% Down Payment for HSBC Foreign National Mortgage (Foreign Buyer Program)

Under the 30% down payment program (70% Loan-to-Value), there are specific criteria that the building must meet: over 90% of the units must be sold; no more than 10% of the units can be owned by one individual/entity; no more than 20% of the building can be commercial; final certificates of occupancy must have been issued for all apartments; and the homeowners’ association must have control of the building. This program requires 12 months of reserves and the maximum loan amount is $3,000,000.


50% Down Payment Program

If the building doesn’t meet the specific criteria above, for example, if the building is only 60% sold, the bank still may grant a mortgage; however, HSBC would require a higher down payment (or 50% Loan-to-Value). This program requires 36 months of reserves and the maximum loan amount is $3,000,000.


Other requirements of both programs:

  • Must be an HSBC Premier client ($100,000 on deposit – this could be in the form of cash or investments)

  • Interest rates are the same for each of these programs.

  • Borrowers must meet program qualifications.


foreign national mortgage hsbc


US Residents

For United States citizens living and working in the US for the last two years who have an established 720+ credit history, down payment amounts vary depending upon the loan amount.

  • 20% down payment (80% Loan-to-Value) up to $2,000,000 maximum loan amount

  • 25% down payment (75% Loan-to-Value) up to $3,000,000 maximum loan amount

  • 35% down payment (65% Loan-to-Value) up to $4,000,000 maximum loan amount

  • 40% down payment (60% Loan-to-Value) up to $5,000,000 maximum loan amount

In addition, for a US citizen buying a second home, subject to credit approval, a 25% down payment (75% Loan-to-Value) is required. Interest rates for US citizens are .25% less than the rates shown above for foreign buyers.

Other types of mortgage financing:

  • Home Equity Products

  • FHA Loans



Please contact our partner at HSBC, Senior Mortgage Lending Officer Michael Rochette, to inquire about current mortgage rates more info regarding the different types of mortgages. These mortgage programs are subject to credit approval and also geographic and other restrictions.

You can also use the link below to apply for a mortgage and Michael will be in contact with you directly.

Phone.     646-549-6524

Fax.         347-321-4136

Mobile.     646-261-6635




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